DDD Southwest 2017 In Review

My review of the DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper Southwest (aka DDD Southwest) 2017 conference, held at the Redcliffe Sixth Form Centre in Bristol.

SQLBits 2017 In Review

My review of the SQLBits 2017 conference, held in the International Centre in Telford.

Entity Framework with MySQL - Booleans, Bits and "String was not recognized as a valid boolean" errors.

How to configure Entity Framework to correct map boolean columns in certain versions of MySQL.

Upgrading AutoMapper

How to change some boilerplate AutoMapper mapping code that used the static Mapper object in the old version of AutoMapper to easily use the non-static methods of the new version of AutoMapper without changing too much code.

KnockoutJS binding on SELECT elements in a ForEach loop

How I set-up KnockoutJS to bind to select elements inside a foreach loop.